:. ````` .+ms dm. ` -y:` sMMM+ `:sdMMMNs :MMm. `om -MMms- /MMM- `-+hNMMNms/.` hMMMm. -dMM. .MMMMMd+. +MMM. `./ymMMMMM+- -MMMMMd. `oNMMM/ .MMMmNMMNy:` +MMM. .ydNMMNdhMMM` yMMNmMMd` :dMMMMMo `MMMo./dMMMmo` oMMM` +Mms/. :MMM- .MMMs.mMMd``sNMMymMMh `MMMs :yMMMd/` oMMM` :. .MMM/ sMMN. .mMMdmMMm/ yMMN MMMdhMMMh:` sMMM `MMMo `NMMy -NMMMMy. +MMM. MMMNMMy: sMMN NMMy oMMM. -NMm/ -MMM/ NMMy:/ yMMN dMMh `NMMy :s` `MMMs NMMy yMMN` yMMm +MMM- dMMd mMMh hMMMmho:. sMMM mMMh yMMN mMMh `:ohmMMMNmy+-` +MMM. /MMM: +MMM- dMMd `./sdMMMMNmy. /MMM+ `mMMd :mmm+`dmmd` `:ohmo` ```` ohhh+ ##### TMPL: TransMembrane Protein structures oriented in the Lipid bilayer ##### The compressed archives 'TMPL2016Oct10part[1-5].tar.gz' contain a total of 28,939 directories, each corresponding to an entry in the TMPL database, and containing: - the coordinate file of the protein and the lipid bilayer '[entry]_ANVIL.pdb'; - a file '[entry]_MAIDEN.txt' with the pseudo-energies calculated by the MAIDEN algorithm; - and a file summarizing the data about the protein '[entry].dat'. After decompression, the size of the 'TMPL2016Oct10/' directory is 45 GB. guillaume.postic@univ-paris-diderot.fr yassine.ghouzam@inserm.fr jean-christophe.gelly@univ-paris-diderot.fr catherine.etchebest@univ-paris-diderot.fr