An automated method that identifies protein domains using information on protein internal contacts between the residues.
MEDUSA is a Deep Learning approach for prediction of protein flexibility from sequence.
An approach for splitting a 3D protein structure into compact fragments.
A partitioning algorithm capable of producing multiple alternative domain assignments for a given protein structure.
A tool for the structural assessment of protein transmembrane domains.
PBE server 2.0 aims to provide a platform for protein structure analysis and comparison using well defined library of short structural motifs (SSMs) known as structural alphabets (SA).
VLDPws is a tool for analysing protein structures based on Laguerre diagram, a powerful mathematical-geometric method.
ORION is a new profile-profile fold recognition approach that relies on a better description of the local protein structure to boost distantly protein detection.
PredyFlexy predicts from the sequence: (i) the series of Long Structural Prototypes (LSPs), (ii) a sophisticated structural alphabet and (iii) the protein flexibility, this last being defined from data coming from X-ray structures and molecular dynamics simulation.
Knowledge-based algorithm to predict most probable backbone conformations for the protein local structures in terms of Protein Blocks.
The basic principle is to predict first secondary structures with an accurate method such as PSIPRED (Jones, 1999), and to predict beta-turns within (almost) coil regions.
LocPred is a software which allows the users to submit a protein sequence and performs a prediction in terms of PBs.
A tool for protein structures mining and superimposition based on similarity in the local backbone conformation.
mulPBA is an efficient tool for comparison of protein structures based on similarity in the local backbone conformation.
An automated method that identifies protein domains using information on protein internal contacts between the residues.
Prediction of the protein local conformations in terms of PBs directly from the amino acid sequence.
A statistical potential optimized on native alpha-helica and beta-sheet membrane protein structures.
ORION is a new profile-profile fold recognition approach that relies on a better description of the local protein structure to boost distantly protein detection.
ANVIL is aimed at assigning membrane boundaries to a protein 3D structure, by using the spatial coordinates of the alpha carbons.
KAKSI is a software dedicated to the assignment of classical repetitive secondary structure.
PredyFlexy predicts from the sequence: (i) the series of Long Structural Prototypes (LSPs), (ii) a sophisticated structural alphabet and (iii) the protein flexibility, this last being defined from data coming from X-ray structures and molecular dynamics simulation.
PoincaréMSA builds an interactive projection of an input protein multiple sequence alignemnt (MSA) using a method based on Poincaré maps.
Database of protein-carbohydrate interfaces annotated according to structural, chemical and functional properties of both proteins and carbohydrates.
ATLAS gathers standardized molecular dynamics simulations of protein structures accompanied by their analysis in the form of interactive diagrams and trajectory visualisation. All the raw trajectories as well as the results of analysis are available for download.
RHeference provides an overview of current knowledge regarding these alleles and an easy access to all relevant information for each allele.
This project aims to compile all the variants of Calreticulin involved in essential thrombocythemia within the same database, namely CALR-ETdb.
This database aims at providing a reference, ordered and protein-driven information on proteins available in the erythrocyte.
PolyprOnline is a requestable database dedicated to the assignment of PolyProline II helices.
PTM-SD provides an access to proteins for which Post Translational Modifications are both experimentally annotated and structurally resolved.
The database MitoGenesisDB focuses on the dynamic of mitochondrial protein formation through global mRNA analyses.
A platform to investigate the structural features of pentapeptides in protein structures.
Knottins are small disulfide-rich proteins characterized by a very special "disulfide through disulfide knot"