This webserver has been designed by Sylvain Léonard, Agnel Praveen Joseph, N. Srinivasan, Jean-Christophe Gelly and Alexandre G. de Brevern.
mulPBA program has been written mainly by Agnel Praveen Joseph, while most of the webserver implementation has been done by Sylvain Léonard with the help of Dr. Jean-Christophe Gelly. Pr. Srinivasan and Dr. Alexandre G. de Brevern conceived the study with Agnel Praveen Joseph. Agnel Praveen Joseph had extensively tested and optimized both methodology and the parameters involved.
We all belong to DSIMB lab in Paris :
Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7,
6, rue Alexandre Cabanel
75739 Paris Cedex 15, France
You can contact us by mail :
Sylvain Léonard : sylvain.leonard (at)
[ personal website ],
Agnel Praveen Joseph : agnelibt (at)
[ personal website ],
N. Srinivasan : [ personal website ],
Jean-Christophe Gelly : jean-christophe.gelly (at)
[ personal website ],
Alexandre G. de Brevern : (at)
[ personal website ].
You can also look at other tools developed by our team :
[ iPBA ] (Gelly and et al., Nucleic Acid Res , 2011).
[ Protein Peeling 3D ] (Gelly and de Brevern, Bioinformatics , 2011).
[ PredyFlexy ] (de Brevern, Bornot, Etchebest and Gelly, Nucleic Acid Res , 2012).
[ Mitgene ] (Gelly et al., Nucleic Acid Res , 2011).
[ Coudes ] (Fuchs and Alix, Proteins , 2005).
[ LocPred ] (de Brevern et al., In Silico Biology , 2004).
We also acknowledge :
French National Institute For Health and Medical Research
Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7
French National Institute For Blood Transfusion
and especially for this project, CEFIPRA / IFCPAR grant number 3903-E