
The Cyclotide Webpage a site dedicated to cyclotide research
Cybase The database of cyclic proteins, including cyclic knottins
Tox-Prot The UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Toxin Annotation Program [Jungo and Bairoch, 2005]
MvirDB The Virulence Database at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Cone snails and conotoxins
ConoServer A database for conopeptide sequences and structures

Other useful links


PAT: the Protein Analysis Toolkit Our general purpose web-server that is used intensively by the KNOTTIN database
@TOME: The CBS pipeline dedicated to predictions of protein structures and protein-ligand interactions
SCOP: The Structural Classification of Proteins
SDPMOD: a modeling server for small disulfide-rich proteins
CysView: a tool to classify proteins according to similar disulfide connectivity patterns [Lenffer et al, 2004]
DISULFIND: a disulfide bonding state and cysteine connectivity prediction server


Spiders and other Arachnids at UC Riverside
The Arachnology home page The arachnological hub
The antimicrobial peptides database
InverPep: A database of invertebrate antimicrobial peptides
The Enzyme Structure Database
The MEROPS database provides a catalogue and structure based classification of proteases and inhibitors, a site dedicated to venom in snakes, cone snails, spiders, scorpions etc.